Picture of LaWanda Engle

LaWanda Engle

WordPress Web Developer

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Unlocking Success with Your Business Website: 5 Key Strategies

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Hey there, lovely readers! 🌟 LaWanda here and  I’m unlocking success with your business website: 5 key strategies,  Ready? Let’s jump in!

1. Master the Basics: It’s easy to overlook the essentials. Make sure your contact info, address, and hours are crystal clear. If you’re a local biz, having a map plugin, like google maps.  on your site guides customers right to your doorstep!

2. Self-Service Convenience: Not a fan of phone calls? Your website can handle it. Enable online bookings and appointments, checkout Calendly for bookings and making appointments. This way, you save time and your customers love the convenience.

3. Social Sharing Power: Give your business a social boost. Place those share buttons prominently! Link your Facebook, Instagram, and more. Share your content effortlessly and let your brand shine.

4. Visual Storytelling: A picture speaks a thousand words, right? Use captivating images on your site. If you run a restaurant, show off your menu. If it’s e-commerce, multiple product photos help customers see what they’re getting.Empowering Female Entrepreneurs

5. Keep it Fresh: A well-maintained website is a game-changer. Regularly update your site, check for broken links, and ensure everything works smoothly. This keeps your visitors engaged and coming back for more. Checkout my blog on updating your website, “REVAMP YOUR DIGITAL SPACE: 5 SIGNS IT’S TIME TO UPDATE YOUR WEBSITE” 

These five strategies are your secret sauce to website success. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. Got questions or need website help? Reach out to me at LaWanda@lawandaenglewordpresswebdeveloper.com 🚀👩‍💻


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